Walking Holiday in Ireland

With a fast living speed today, everything is very busy and hurrying that we will definitely lose the simplicity in life. Often the best way to experience more is slowing down, taking the time to see and listen, be prepared to stop and wait. But to do this we need to walk. take a walk, ramble – or even increase. 

Ireland is a perfect destination for a walking holiday in Ireland. From the amazing coastline of Donegal and Antrim, to the rolling and the beautiful mountains of Kerry. For pedestrians in Know, Ireland is a well-kept secret – amazing scenery, inspirational scenery and far from the crowds.

To make you think and take you walking, we have collected our favorite streets in Ireland – to help you plan your route.

The way the sheep will take you directly to the end of the Sheep's Peninsula in southwest County Cork. Bantry Bay is located in the northern bay and Dunmanus to the south, which is associated with a narrow backbone that peaks on the hill seefin.

You can choose to walk 26.5 miles from Burren, follow the colar coastline, the cliffs of Moher and cross the limestone plain. Or you can walk in a short part along the Burren Way Green Road Walk. This is a beautiful spring road with lots of wildflowers.

Walking to Kerry Way takes you to the foot of the hill, through Killarney National Park and to the edge of Lake Killarney and follow the dark green roads, mountainous lanes, and a small rustic road. Walk 120 miles or find your favorite part.