What Is The Purpose Of Pediatric Advanced Life Support?

Paediatric training is one of the most important things to have under your belt as a medical professional. In this article, we will break down what you need to know about pediatrics and some of the best courses out there for gaining knowledge in this area.

The Basic and Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) course is a two-day course that covers the management of critically ill or injured children. The course is designed for health professionals who have a basic knowledge of life support and who wish to acquire advanced skills in managing critically ill or injured children.

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The course covers a range of topics, including:

  • Recognising and managing respiratory distress in children
  • Managing airway obstruction in children
  • Recognising and managing shock in children
  • Cardiac resuscitation in children
  • Management of neonatal emergencies
  • Paediatric trauma life support

Paediatricians in the UK must also complete a research project during their training. This can be either a basic science or clinical research project, and provides an opportunity to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.

The APLS course is delivered by experienced paediatricians, anaesthetists and intensive care specialists, and includes both theoretical and practical components. The course is designed to give participants the skills and knowledge they need to manage these emergencies effectively. It is delivered over two days, and includes both theoretical and practical components.