Engineering Tools And Human Progress

We have come far since the first primate used a stone to sharpen a stick since the first human wedged a stick under a heavy stone and let it roll down the hillside. Stones gave way to obsidian, which was followed by bronze and iron tools.

Engineering tools increase human reach and make the impossible possible. Engineering tools do not necessarily have to be complex to make a positive difference in our lives, and they come in all sizes and shapes. You can get services of engineering development through

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The first engineering tools extensively used were, perhaps, stone axes and hammers, fashioned into sharp shapes using obsidian. These instruments gave the man an unassailable advantage over other animals, made hunting less dangerous, and people with axes and hammers were, presumably, more difficult to defeat than people without.

About 5000 years ago, bronze weapons, vessels, razors, and tweezers made their appearance, and the age of metal tools began in earnest.

Engineering tools like spindles and looms showed up a little later, and clothes got colorful as people figures out how to create dyes. The spinning wheel, invented during the middle ages, was the biggest technological advance as far as clothing was concerned, and clothes could be created four times faster using spinning tools attached to wheels.

Cooking to benefit from the use of wheels as a technology for pottery became available, and a man learns to turn earth into vessels and containers. Bronze and iron spits, capable of withstanding heat without burning down like wood, made the process of cooking and boiling water easier, faster, and more efficient.