Tooth Extraction in Houston – Why Is It Necessary?

Tooth extraction can be defined as the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone.

Your dentist always aims to save your tooth; however there could be circumstances wherein your tooth has to be extracted.

In the early days of human history many of the illnesses were attributed to tooth infections. Since there was no antibiotics in those days tooth extraction was performed for curing the illness.

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Different tools were being used for extracting tooth at various points of time. The first one was invented by Guy de Chauliac in the fourteenth century and this was known as the dental pelican. This was the main tool that was being used until 18th century wherein dental key replaced dental pelican as an extraction tool. Dental key is replaced by modern forceps in 20th century and this is the main tool used at present for tooth extraction. Dental extractions vary widely and to facilitate different types of extractions a wide variety of instruments are being used.

Reasons for extracting tooth

Normally, whenever there is a tooth breakage or tooth damage due to tooth decay the dentist try and repair the tooth by various means such as filling, fixing a crown etc. However, there are times at which the tooth damage is so much that it cannot be repaired and under such circumstances he has no choice other than extracting the tooth. This is the common reason for tooth extraction.

In addition many illnesses and drugs necessitate tooth extraction because they weaken the immune system and cause infection of the tooth. These are – cancer drugs, dental caries, gum diseases, extra teeth, fractured tooth, organ transplant, orthodontic treatment, radiation treatment and wisdom teeth.