Camels are susceptible to many diseases, some of which have been quite investigated because they affect all species of farm animals, such as anthrax, rabies, tuberculosis, brucellosis, pasteurellosis, necrobacteriosis (Fusobacterium necrophorum infection), smallpox and ringworm.

They are also prone to some diseases that affect ruminants, such as foot and mouth disease, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and malignant edema, and some of them affecting equines, such as glanders, strangles and equine infectious encephalomyelitis. If you're looking for camel medicines, you can browse various online sources.

As with other farm animals, Camel is also influenced by species-specific diseases, including plague, staphylococcosis, septic pneumonia, oral neoplasm, infectious diarrhea, abortion streptococci, contagious ecthyma, ulcerative stomatitis, and vaginitis.

There is has not been much research into certain infectious diseases camels, and some have has not been investigated at all.

We have been conducting research into diseases little known group that has occurred in epidemic form during the last 26 years (since 1960), and which acts as a brake on the development of a camel farm.

This is (1) smallpox, (2) contagious ecthyma (referred to as 'auzdyn' in Kazakh), (3) staphylococcosis ( 'ak-bas' in Kazakh), (4) septic pneumonia ( 'kara okpe' in Kazakhstan and 'kholdvart khaniad' in Mongolia) and (5) paratuberculous enteritis( 'Sychag-pychak' in Kazakh). A whole range of other issues has also been noted for future investigations.